Mark Awad
Mark Awad is one of those individuals who was “born to fly”!
Mark is passionate about all aspects of aviation but has a particular interest in Warbirds, such as the ex-RAAF CA-25 Winjeel. Mark is a Licensed Commercial Pilot in both Australia and the United States with Multi-engine and Instrument ratings plus several additional endorsements and approvals. He is very active as a leader in the Australian Warbirds Association, which is the body delegated by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority to administer all Warbird flight operations in Australia.
Mark has flown in numerous air shows as an approved Display Pilot and is a qualified Lead pilot for formation flight operations as well as aerobatics. He has the combination of experience and enthusiasm to ensure your flight with him is an adventure like no other!
Have you flown with Mark and loved it?
Share your experience via social media or drop us an email letting us know how you enjoyed your Adventure Flight!

Phil Munro
Phil loves flying the ex-RAAF CT-4 and it shows!
He is a Licensed Commercial Multi-engine Instrument Pilot with several additional ratings, endorsements and approvals. He has been a proud member of the Australian Warbirds community for over 15 years.
Phil is an approved Display Pilot and has flown in several air shows. He is approved and highly experienced in formation and aerobatic flight. Phil passion and skill as a warbird pilot guarantees your flight with him will be an unforgettable aviation experience!
Have you flown with Phil and loved it?
Share your experience via social media or drop us an email letting us know how you enjoyed your Adventure Flight!